Whats The Max Criit Dmg U Can Build

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Whats The Max Criit Dmg U Can Build 8,6/10 5706 reviews
Not Updated For Current Season

I don't believe there is a hardcap to maximum dodge achievable in a game unlike the 40% cooldown reduction cap. Crit chance caps at 100% which is easily obtainable if you go crit build with tryn or gank however i believe there is a +crit dmg cap which i am unsure of at the moment. For example, a max rank Pulse gives you +40% Critical Chance but only +100% Critical Damage. To be more optimal for your DPS, Pulse would need to give you +400% Critical Damage instead of +100% to meet the 10:1 ratio. A character setup closer to reality may have you around +40% Critical Chance and +200% Critical Damage. I prefer to deal twice the dammage by landing only headshots, than have 160% base dmg more (already +160% on serration, that means 60% more overall dps), not to mention that you can replace it by hammershot which increases also your overall dps by 11% (in a crit based build) AND gives better status chance.

My own max crit build is 58.5% crit chance, 40% crit damage for non-SMG weapons. Gotta run demo for that sweet extra 2% CHC on the laser pointer; and you'll be grinding for gear for a long time to get those maxed-out CHC rolls (no recal, it'll cap out.). Sep 30, 2015  Magicka crit build: Thief mundus gives 11.8% crit. If you use 7 gold divines, you can increase that to 18%. You can use precise on your staff for 7% crit (but going precise is never recommended except for healers). 30 points in one of the CP constellations gives 12% spell crit. The new Scathing Mage set will give you 5% crit if you have four pieces. Civ 6 free download mac. The Division: Perfect Armor Build Guide. As everyone are aware of how Armor mitigates the Gun damage(not for grenades), so going to 65% armor cap will not only give you an effective damage reduction but also, armor drops from 71.9% down to 71 which in return makes you, even more, stronger. Every Armor you equip has inbuilt armor bonuses. While this may help the party, in their need for the best fighter they can hope to have by their side, it is a form of optimization in the min/max style. If the minmax approach is taken as an end in and of itself by one player in a group, it can cause conflict at the gaming table.

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Hello, im Dobby Knows, a Plat 4 Jhin Main (kappa). Well im level 5 on him lmao. Anyways im going to show you the way i play jhin and my reasoning behind it.


What's The Max Crit Dmg U Can Build Free

TRUST ME with deathfire touch. Warlords is good too, its mostly personal preference. Let me explain why DFT is so good. When you have 750 ad you're going to be doing around 450 damage over time. Very underrated, ive already got someone low with Curtain Call and then DFT finishes them off. This is one of the only champs you can actually see the DFT work. Also, you're damage charts after the game will be amazing (It always is for me, at least)


These are the runes that all pros run, pretty straight forward. Attack speed is weaker then flat ad on jhin, therefore we take ad.

Item Build

Ghostblade can be used, it's very very very underated and if you pop it before you ult OR pop it before u use ur final crit, you will do massive damage, also good arm pen and move speed helps his weak mobility. IE for more dmg and shiv can be replaced with pd or rapid (which just got nerfed, so meh). Essence for more ults and w's and lw, bt, ms, maw are all good last item options :)

Max Order

Max q for damage in lane, can be surprising damage if you kill a creep with each bounce :)

What's The Max Crit Dmg U Can Build Minecraft

Max w second for the root time, and btw DFT is very good with this ability :).

What's The Max Crit Dmg U Can Build 2017

What's The Max Crit Dmg U Can Build A Home

Max e third, just strong for slow and a bit of vision, but if u land a w on someone who lands on this its going to be a strong trade for you, especially with DFT ( I know i love Dft)