Make A Bootable Lion Installer Disk From A Dmg File

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On your Mac, open up Disk Utility. Click on the USB Drive on the left. On the right pane, go to the Restore tab. Click on the Browse button and locate the.dmg installer for OS X Lion. (ie macosx10711a390.dmg) 4. Once you have it. To make a bootable image to a drive instead of a disk, you need to do a restore in Disk Utility, select the InstallESD.dmg as the source and the disk volume as the destination. Enusure that the destination volume is correctly formatted as HFS+ Extended Journaled. Click “Restore”. Create a boot drive for Lion OSX. Download Lion from the Mac App Store. The installer should show up in your Applications folder. Right-click on the installer and hit 'Show Package Contents'. Navigate to Contents SharedSupport and look for a file called 'InstallESD.dmg'. Open up Disk Utility and drag the DMG file into the left-hand sidebar. 2019-7-16  TransMac - Make DMG File Bootable USB on Windows. This is a fairly robust application for creating bootable USB on Windows from a DMG file. However, there's a preparatory step to be executed before you can create the bootable USB drive. The typical disk partition used is MBR, but you will need to do a partition with GPT for this to work.

He completed fellowships in ophthalmic pathology and uveitis at the University of Illinois at Chicago Eye Center and a cornea fellowship at the University of Iowa Department of Ophthalmology. Beverly hills surgical center.

  1. Make A Bootable Lion Installer Disk From A Dmg File Mac
  2. Make A Bootable Lion Installer Disk From A Dmg File Windows 10
  3. Make A Bootable Lion Installer Disk From A Dmg File Manager
  4. Make A Bootable Lion Installer Disk From A Dmg File Download
  5. Make A Bootable Lion Installer Disk From A Dmg File Windows 7
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About a month ago, we talked about creating a bootable USB of macOS on a Mac with the help of a free app called DiskMaker X. The app is very easy-to-use and is updated to support the newest version of macOS.

UPDATE: If you’re looking to prepare macOS Sierra or Mojave bootable USB, please refer to our new how to create macOS Sierra bootable USB from Windows guide for step-by-step directions.

Even though it’s always a good idea to prepare macOS bootable USB on a computer running macOS only, at times you might come across situations where you have no options but prepare the bootable media of macOS on a Windows PC. Take, for instance, your Mac machine is unbootable and you’re unable to fix the issue or re-install the OS using the Recovery Assistant. Or maybe, the Recovery Assistant isn’t appearing when you hold down the Option key.

Mac users who don’t have access to a bootable Mac machine to prepare the bootable USB of macOS can take the help of a computer running Windows operating system for the job. The only thing is that you must have the DMG file of macOS.

If you have the DMG file of macOS and a USB flash drive of size greater than 16 GB, it’s easy to prepare the Mac OS X bootable USB on a Windows PC. Simply follow the given below instructions to prepare your bootable USB of macOS on a PC.

Create macOS Bootable USB on Windows 10

NOTE:Is mac cleaner a scam. The guide was originally written to prepare Yosemite bootable USB but the guide is compatible with the latest macOS Mojave as well.

Step 1: The first step is to download TransMac software and install the same on a PC running Windows operating system. Even though TransMac is a paid software, the 15-day trial copy is good enough to prepare the bootable USB of Mac on your PC.

Step 2: Stick in the USB drive that you want to boot and install macOS from and backup all data from it, if any. The drive will be erased completely during the process of making a bootable USB.

Step 3: Launch TransMac software with admin rights by right-clicking on TransMac icon on the desktop and then clicking Run as administrator. Upon launching the TransMac software, the Trial reminder dialog will appear. Simply click Run button to continue using the software.

Step 4: Once TransMac is launched, in the left pane, right-click on the USB drive that you would like to make as bootable, right-click on the same, and then click Restore with Disk Image option.

Click the Yes button when you see the warning message on your screen that the drive will be erased.

Step 5: Next, Restore Disk Image to Drive dialog will appear on the screen. Here, click the “…” button under Disk Image to restore to browse to the DMG file of macOS that you want to install using USB and open the same.

Finally, click OK button to begin preparing the bootable USB of macOS on your Windows PC.

Step 6: The TransMac tool, in our test, took a little over 90 minutes to prepare the bootable USB.


Once done, Restore Complete message will pop up on the screen. Close TransMac and safely remove the USB.

Step 7: Finally, connect the bootable USB to your Mac, turn on your Mac, hold down the Option key, and then select the USB drive to begin installing macOS. Good luck!

This guide covers the verbatim copying of a DMG image to a USB thumb drive using only Linux (no need to find a Mac). If the DMG was intended to be bootable then the resulting USB will be bootable.

Convert to ISO

Linux doesn’t much care for DMG files. Sure, it’ll play nice with them. But we don’t just want to play nice. We want to copy a DMG image to a USB drive and keep it as verbatim as computationally possible. In order to do this, we’re first going to convert the image to a format that’s a little more universal: ISO.

We’re going to use dmg2img to convert the DMG to an ISO image. If you already have dmg2img, great. If not, install it using your distribution’s native package management system.

On Ubuntu, you’d do it like this:

Once you have dmg2img installed, begin converting the DMG file:


Make A Bootable Lion Installer Disk From A Dmg File Mac

After a few minutes, you should have a second file called image.img. This file can be used like an ISO. All we have to do is change the extension. Use mv to do this:

Make sure you specified “image.img” and not “image.dmg”! Working with three different file extensions can get kind of confusing.

Ok, so we should now have a file called “image.iso” which is just “image.img” with a different extension.

Now we want to write “image.iso” to our USB drive. I used “lsblk” to figure out how the system was identifying my drive. The lsblk command lists all disks connected to the system. It’s usually pretty easy to figure out which disk is which based on their size. Just be sure you’re sure. This process is going to overwrite the target disk with the contents of our DMG image file. Any preexisting files on the target disk will be lost. As usual, make sure you have a proper backup.

Make sure the target drive isn’t mounted. Unmount the drive with your distribution’s GUI.

Make A Bootable Lion Installer Disk From A Dmg File Windows 10

Or you could just unmount it from the terminal:

Make A Bootable Lion Installer Disk From A Dmg File Manager

Most systems seem to mount external drives in /media. Sometimes the drive might be mounted in /mnt or elsewhere.

Write the ISO image to the USB drive like this:

Replace “X” with the appropriate letter. For example “/dev/sdb”. Be sure to use the drive directly and not a partition within the drive. For example, don’t use “/dev/sdb1”.

Make A Bootable Lion Installer Disk From A Dmg File Download

This will probably take a little while to complete. I’m using a Kingston DataTraveler DTSE9 and it took about 24 minutes 30 seconds to write 4.9GB.

Make A Bootable Lion Installer Disk From A Dmg File Windows 7

Your new USB stick should now be bootable, assuming that was the intended purpose of the DMG.